Landmark High School (02M419)

351 West 18 Street, Manhattan, NY 10011, Manhattan
Phone: 212-647-7410
Hours: 8:45am - 3:15pm
Principal: Susanna Tenny
School Website:
NYCDOE Website:
Admissions Information:
Quality Snapshot:
Subway: 1 to 18th St; A, C, E, L to 14th St
Bus: M11, M12, M14A-SBS, M14D-SBS, M20, M23-SBS, M55, M7, SIM1C, SIM33C, SIM3C, SIM4C
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Program Details
Landmark High School (M91A)
Humanities & Interdisciplinary

We are a small, college-preparatory school that offers a challenging academic curriculum with an emphasis on reading, collaboration, and project-based learning. All students have the opportunity to graduate with 13 college credits through our College Now For All initiative. We are part of the NY Consortium, and students present 6 PBATs (performance-based assessment tasks) before a committee in order to graduate. Our advisory program supports a close-knit, positive learning culture.

Ed. Opt. programs admit students across all academic levels. Students are grouped into Low, Middle, and High categories based on a composite of their academic data. One-third of offers are made to students in each category.
  • (Group 1) Priority to Manhattan students or residents
  • (Group 2) Then to New York City residents
Student & Admissions Statistics
School Year
Total Students Across All Grades
    Grade 12 Students
    Grade 11 Students
    Grade 10 Students
    Grade 9 Students
Avg. Class Size
Complaints / Suspensions
<5 / 18
<5 / 12
Attendance %
Graduation %
College %
Landmark High School (M91A)
GE Applicants / Seats:
SWD Applicants / Seats:

32 / 78 (0.41)
22 / 22 (1.00)
Offers - Waitlist

42 / 77 (0.55)
12 / 23 (0.52)
About the School

At Landmark, we believe students learn best when they are known well as individuals by caring adults, and when their studies are driven by passion and curiosity. Our students do in-depth research projects and present them to teachers and other experts instead of sitting for Regents exams, through a NYS waiver as a member of the NYS Performance Assessment Consortium. This process prepares students well for the demands of college. We are committed to helping students find and develop their passions through a breadth of electives, clubs, and internships. Students earn college credits through College Now and AP classes. Our advisory and restorative justice programs ensure that all students have strong, trusting relationships with adults and peers to support a close-knit community. We are part of the Career Readiness and Modern Youth Apprenticeship (CRMYA) pilot, which helps us support career readiness for all our students. We have courses that help our ninth and tenth graders explore their career interests and develop readiness skills. Our students can apply for apprenticeships in tech, finance, and business, which allows them to earn and learn while in high school.

Academic Highlights: Performance-Based Assessment Tasks (PBATs), Career Readiness & Modern Youth Apprenticeship (CRMYA) School, Language Courses Available, AP Courses Available

Other Features: 10th Grade Seats Available, College Trips, CRMYA School, Health Center, Internships Available, Online Grading System, Program(s) with 1 SWD Applicant Per Seat, Summer Internships, Weekend Programs

School Features:

  • Performance Assessment School, which base graduation requirements on the successful completion of performance assessments in major subject areas in lieu of one or more Regents exams
  • Offers 10th Grade Seats
  • School whose primary location is co-located with another school

Upcoming Events

AP Courses, Languages, Sports, Art
AP Courses
Algebra II (Advanced Math), AP Biology, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Seminar, AP United States History, Calculus (Advanced Math), Chemistry (Advanced Science), ELA (College Course [Credited])
Boys PSAL Sports
Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Soccer, Volleyball, Wrestling
Girls PSAL Sports
Basketball, Bowling, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball
Other Sports
Cheerleading, Flag Football, Running Club
Studentled clubs including: Dance, Fashion, Fitness, Gender Sexuality Alliance, Guitar, Immigrants and Allies, Mural Painting, Peer tutoring, Poetry, Social Media, Student Council, Theater, Chorus, , Paid internships through CareerReady
Art Disciplines
Dance, Film, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts
Art Performances
Artwork Exibits (3 per year), Dance Performances (1 per year), Theatre Performances (1 per year)
Survey Summary & Data (2023-24)
Student Responses
Academic Rigor 
Academic Engagement 
Bully Prevention 
Mental Support 
Post-School Support 
Teacher Responses
Academic Rigor 
School Satisfaction 
Student Behavior 
Student Support 
School Leadership 
Instructional Clarity 
Instructional Development 
Post-School Support 
Family Responses
Teacher Support 
School Community 
School Leadership 
Post-School Support 

Note: Yellow bars indicate city-wide averages for the associated category

View Full NYC DOE Survey Results:

This data was gathered from the NYC DOE's yearly school surveys:

Academic Summary & Data (2022-23)
Academic Proficiency
4-Year Grad. %
Avg. CC Regents Score
College Aptitude
CCPC Index
Avg. SAT Math Score
Avg. SAT Read/Write Score
2-Year College 13.60%
4-Year College 39.40%
Unknown 47.00%

View Full Academic Data:

This data was gathered from the NYC DOE's yearly quality reports:

School Demographics (2022-23)
Student Population:
Male 44.70%
Female 55.30%
English Language Learners:
Students with Disabilities:
Economic Need Index: 
Student Ethnicity:
Asian 1.50%
Black 25.80%
Hispanic 54.10%
White 4.90%
Other 13.70%
Teacher Ethnicity:
White 59.40%
Other 40.60%