Business Technology Early College High School (BTECH) (26Q315)

230-17 Hillside Avenue, Queens, NY 11427, Queens
Phone: 718-217-3613
Hours: 8:03am - 2:20pm
Principal: Patrice Henry
School Website:
NYCDOE Website:
Quality Snapshot:
Bus: Q1, Q27, Q43, Q46, Q88, QM36, QM6, X68
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Program Details
Business Technology Early College High School BTECH (Q58A)
Computer Science & Technology

Students have the opportunity to earn their High School Diploma in four years with earned college credit. BTECH is a 9-14 school model, offering students an opportunity to earn free college credit through Queensborough Community College towards an applied Associate degree. Students qualify to attend QCC through coursework and college readiness prerequisites. Additionally, students are offered early career opportunities through various internships.

Ed. Opt. programs admit students across all academic levels. Students are grouped into Low, Middle, and High categories based on a composite of their academic data. One-third of offers are made to students in each category.
  • (Group 1) Priority to Queens students or residents
  • (Group 2) Then to New York City residents
Student & Admissions Statistics
School Year
Total Students Across All Grades
    Grade 12 Students
    Grade 11 Students
    Grade 10 Students
    Grade 9 Students
Avg. Class Size
Complaints / Suspensions
8 / 19
<5 / 23
Attendance %
Graduation %
College %
Business Technology Early College High School BTECH (Q58A)
GE Applicants / Seats:
SWD Applicants / Seats:
Est. Cutoff Ranges
Offer Prediction:

211 / 118 (1.79)
28 / 22 (1.27)
Offers - Waitlist
(P1)#D1 - (P1)#F6

202 / 90 (2.24)
36 / 18 (2.00)
About the School

Business Technology Early College High School (BTECH) is one of nine 9-14 Early College High Schools in the city. As a unique and culturally diverse school, BTECH prepares students for college and career by providing a rigorous academic program and a supportive learning environment. Our program emphasizes the use of technology in the business world through our Career Technical Education (New York State approved CTE) Pathway or through our college partner, Queensborough Community College Pathway (QCC). Students also have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement (AP) courses, in addition to dual-enrolled college courses at QCC beginning in tenth grade to earn up to 30 college credits by 12th grade for those that are eligible. Students who attend QCC have two degree options to choose, either Business Administration (B.A.) or Internet Information Technology (I.I.T.). Students also have the opportunity to apply for internships with various corporations.

Academic Highlights: Partnership with Queensborough Community College in articulation with Baruch College Zicklin School of Business and City College, NYS Approved Internet Technology CTE program with Amazon curriculum and Amazon Cloud Certification, College Access for All and AP (Advanced Placement) for All School, CTE program(s): Computer Science and Technology (Proposed Program), Access to technology and business labs with PCs, student resource center, FAB Lab (Fabrication Lab) including 3D printers and MAC computers, Three BTECH Pathways to choose from in 9th grade (1) QCC Pathway in Internet and Information Technology (IIT) OR Business Administration (B.A.), (2) CTE Pathway OR (3) Advanced Placement (AP) Pathway

Other Features: 10th Grade Seats Available, Career and Technical Education (CTE), College Trips, Internship Expected, Internships Available, Online Grading System, Orientation, Program(s) with 1 SWD Applicant Per Seat, Student Parent Orientation, Summer Bridge, Summer Orientation

School Features:

  • NYC 9-14 School, which offer a six-year program where students earn a high school diploma, gain valuable work-based learning experiences, and can earn a no-cost Associate's degree (or up to two years of college credits)
  • Offers 10th Grade Seats
  • School whose primary location is co-located with another school

AP Courses, Languages & Sports
AP Courses
Algebra II (Advanced Math), AP Biology, AP English Language and Composition, AP United States Government and Politics, Calculus (Advanced Math), Chemistry (Advanced Science), Comp Sci/Math Tech (College Course [Credited]), Econ/Gov (College Course [Credited]), ELA (College Course [Credited]), Math (College Course [Credited]), Other (College Course [Credited]), Physics (Advanced Science), Science (College Course [Credited]), Social Studies (College Course [Credited]), World Languages (Advanced World Languages)
Languages Offered
Diploma Endorsements
Math, CTE, Science
Boys PSAL Sports
Baseball, Basketball, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Soccer, Volleyball
Girls PSAL Sports
Basketball, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball
Co-ed PSAL Sports
Other Sports
Basketball, Volleyball
Clubs: National Honor Society (NHS), Talent Show, Youth Leadership Council, GEM's (Girls Empowerment Movement), MOUSE Squad, Men of Color Club, Music Club, LGBTQ, Gay Straight Alliance, Computer Club, Gaming Club, Bollywood Dance Club, Chat & Chew Lunch Group, Indo-Caribbean Group, Mental Health Club, Movie Club, Debate Club, Grief and Loss Group, Video Game Club, and Trading Card Game Club. Activities: PTA, BTECH Bash (End of Year Celebration), Field Day, Thanksgiving Brunch, Senior Activities (Prom, Senior Six Flags, Senior Trip, Senior Day Trips, Senior Brunch and Awards), Grade level day trips (museums, amusement parks, movies), Student Led Conferences, Parent Mixer, Counselor led Workshops for Students and Parents, College & Career Fair, College trips, and Student Workshops (SAT prep, Regents Review, College Preparation, College Essay writing, POSSE Scholarship), Awards Ceremony, Women Who Lead Panel, Unsung Heroes, Parent Workshops (Power of One, Mindfulness in the Home), BTECH Give Back (School-wide Community Service day), Fall and Spring Spirit Weeks, and Student v. Staff Basketball Game.
Survey Summary & Data (2023-24)
Student Responses
Academic Rigor 
Academic Engagement 
Bully Prevention 
Mental Support 
Post-School Support 
Teacher Responses
Academic Rigor 
School Satisfaction 
Student Behavior 
Student Support 
School Leadership 
Instructional Clarity 
Instructional Development 
Post-School Support 
Family Responses
Teacher Support 
School Community 
School Leadership 
Post-School Support 

Note: Yellow bars indicate city-wide averages for the associated category

View Full NYC DOE Survey Results:

This data was gathered from the NYC DOE's yearly school surveys:

Academic Summary & Data (2022-23)
Academic Proficiency
4-Year Grad. %
Avg. CC Regents Score
Avg. Non-CC Regents Score
College Aptitude
CCPC Index
Avg. SAT Math Score
Avg. SAT Read/Write Score
2-Year College 16.70%
4-Year College 59.90%
Other Postsecondary 5.00%
Unknown 18.40%

View Full Academic Data:

This data was gathered from the NYC DOE's yearly quality reports:

School Demographics (2022-23)
Student Population:
Male 65.10%
Female 34.90%
English Language Learners:
Students with Disabilities:
Economic Need Index: 
Student Ethnicity:
Asian 21.40%
Black 44.00%
Hispanic 23.00%
White 2.90%
Other 8.70%
Teacher Ethnicity:
Asian 22.90%
Black 17.10%
Hispanic 22.90%
White 34.30%
Other 2.80%