2023-24 Suspensions
Total Suspensions:
Suspensions by gender
Female (By Principal)
Female (By Superintendent)
Female (By Removal)
Male (By Principal)
Male (By Superintendent)
Male (By Removal)
X (By Principal)
X (By Superintendent)
Suspensions by grade
9th (By Principal)
9th (By Superintendent)
9th (By Removal)
10th (By Principal)
10th (By Superintendent)
10th (By Removal)
11th (By Principal)
11th (By Superintendent)
11th (By Removal)
12th (By Principal)
12th (By Superintendent)
12th (By Removal)
Suspensions by code
B36 - Altercation and/or Physically Aggressive Behavior (By Principal)
B58 - Weapon Possession (Category I) (By Principal)
B54 - Group Violence (By Superintendent)
B54 - Group Violence (By Principal)
A06 - Disrupting the Educational Process (By Removal)
A07 - Verbally Rude or Disrespectful (By Removal)
A13 - Profane, Obscene, Vulgar Language or Gestures (By Principal)
A13 - Profane, Obscene, Vulgar Language or Gestures (By Removal)
A14 - Lying to \ Giving False Information (By Removal)
A15 - Misusing Property Belonging to Others (By Removal)
A17 - Leaving Class or School Premises w/o Permission (By Principal)
A18 - Inappropriate or Unwanted Physical Contact (By Removal)
A19 - Violating DOE's Internet Policy (By Removal)
A20 - Scholastic Dishonesty REMOVAL (By Removal)
A21 - Inappropriate use of electronic technology (By Removal)
A22 - Insubordination (By Removal)
A22 - Insubordination (By Principal)
A23 - Using Slurs (Bias) (By Removal)
A23 - Using Slurs (Bias) (By Principal)
A24 - Minor Altercation (By Principal)
A24 - Minor Altercation (By Removal)
A26 - Possession of Property w/o Authorization (By Principal)
A26 - Possession of Property w/o Authorization (By Removal)
A27 - Tampering/Altering Records or Documents (By Principal)
A28 - Inappropriate or Unwanted Physical Contact (Grades 4-5 Only) (By Superintendent)
A28 - Inappropriate or Unwanted Physical Contact (Grades 4-5 Only) (By Principal)
A28 - Inappropriate or Unwanted Physical Contact (Grades 4-5 Only) (By Removal)
A29 - Gang Related Behavior (By Removal)
A30 - Vandalism / Graffiti (By Removal)
A30 - Vandalism / Graffiti (By Superintendent)
A30 - Vandalism / Graffiti (By Principal)
A31 - Posting/Distributing Unauthorized Libelous Material (By Removal)
A32 - Posting/Distributing Literature or Material Containing Threats (By Principal)
A32 - Posting/Distributing Literature or Material Containing Threats (By Removal)
A33 - Altercation and/or Physically Aggressive Behavior (By Principal)
A33 - Altercation and/or Physically Aggressive Behavior (By Superintendent)
A33 - Altercation and/or Physically Aggressive Behavior (By Removal)
A34 - Coercion/Threats (By Removal)
A34 - Coercion/Threats (By Principal)
A34 - Coercion/Threats (By Superintendent)
A35 - Disruptive Behavior on the School Bus with Substantial Risks of Injury (By Superintendent)
A35 - Disruptive Behavior on the School Bus with Substantial Risks of Injury (By Principal)
A35 - Disruptive Behavior on the School Bus with Substantial Risks of Injury (By Removal)
A36 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Principal)
A36 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Removal)
A36 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Superintendent)
A37 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Superintendent)
A37 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Principal)
A37 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Removal)
A38 - Sexually Suggestive (Verbal/Physical) (By Principal)
A38 - Sexually Suggestive (Verbal/Physical) (By Removal)
A38 - Sexually Suggestive (Verbal/Physical) (By Superintendent)
A39 - Possession of Controlled Substances or prescription medication w/o Authorization, Illegal Drugs, drug paraphernalia, or Alcohol (By Removal)
A39 - Possession of Controlled Substances or prescription medication w/o Authorization, Illegal Drugs, drug paraphernalia, or Alcohol (By Principal)
A40 - Taking Property Without Authorization (By Removal)
A40 - Taking Property Without Authorization (By Principal)
A40 - Taking Property Without Authorization (By Superintendent)
A41 - False Activation of Fire/Disaster Alarm (By Principal)
A41 - False Activation of Fire/Disaster Alarm (By Removal)
A42 - Bomb Threat (By Principal)
A43 - Reckless Behavior with Substantial Risk of Serious Injury (By Superintendent)
A43 - Reckless Behavior with Substantial Risk of Serious Injury (By Removal)
A43 - Reckless Behavior with Substantial Risk of Serious Injury (By Principal)
A44 - Reckless Behavior that causes Serious Injury (By Removal)
A44 - Reckless Behavior that causes Serious Injury (By Principal)
A44 - Reckless Behavior that causes Serious Injury (By Superintendent)
A46 - Weapon Possession (Category II) (By Principal)
A46 - Weapon Possession (Category II) (By Removal)
A47 - Using Controlled Substances w/o Authorization, Illegal Drugs or Alcohol (By Removal)
A48 - Starting a Fire (By Principal)
A48 - Starting a Fire (By Superintendent)
A48 - Starting a Fire (By Removal)
A50 - Using Force Against/Inflicting to/Inflicting Serious Injury to SSA or School Personnel (By Removal)
A50 - Using Force Against/Inflicting to/Inflicting Serious Injury to SSA or School Personnel (By Principal)
A50 - Using Force Against/Inflicting to/Inflicting Serious Injury to SSA or School Personnel (By Superintendent)
A51 - Using Force Against/Inflicting to/Inflicting Serious Injury to SSA or School Personnel (By Principal)
A51 - Using Force Against/Inflicting to/Inflicting Serious Injury to SSA or School Personnel (By Removal)
A51 - Using Force Against/Inflicting to/Inflicting Serious Injury to SSA or School Personnel (By Superintendent)
A52 - Group Violence (By Superintendent)
A56 - Weapon Possession (Category I) (By Principal)
A56 - Weapon Possession (Category I) (By Removal)
A56 - Weapon Possession (Category I) (By Superintendent)
A57 - Using Weapon (Category II) to Attempt Injury (By Removal)
A57 - Using Weapon (Category II) to Attempt Injury (By Principal)
A58 - Using Weapon (Category I) to Attempt Injury upon School Personnel, Students, Others (By Principal)
A58 - Using Weapon (Category I) to Attempt Injury upon School Personnel, Students, Others (By Removal)
A58 - Using Weapon (Category I) to Attempt Injury upon School Personnel, Students, Others (By Superintendent)
A59 - Using Weapon Other than Category I or II to Inflict Injury upon School Personnel, Students, Others (By Superintendent)
A59 - Using Weapon Other than Category I or II to Inflict Injury upon School Personnel, Students, Others (By Principal)
A60 - Possessing or using a firearm (By Superintendent)
B07 - Disrupting the Educational Process (By Removal)
B07 - Disrupting the Educational Process (By Principal)
B08 - Verbally Rude or Disrespectful (By Principal)
B08 - Verbally Rude or Disrespectful (By Removal)
B14 - Gambling (By Removal)
B15 - Profane, Obscene, Vulgar Language or Gestures (By Principal)
B15 - Profane, Obscene, Vulgar Language or Gestures (By Removal)
B16 - Lying to \ Giving False Information (By Removal)
B17 - Misusing Property Belonging to Others (By Removal)
B19 - Inappropriate use of electronic technology (By Removal)
B21 - Insubordination (By Removal)
B21 - Insubordination (By Principal)
B22 - Trespassing (By Removal)
B22 - Trespassing (By Principal)
B23 - Using Slurs (Bias) (By Principal)
B23 - Using Slurs (Bias) (By Removal)
B23 - Using Slurs (Bias) (By Superintendent)
B24 - Minor Altercation (By Principal)
B24 - Minor Altercation (By Removal)
B25 - Bringing unauthorized visitors to school (By Removal)
B25 - Bringing unauthorized visitors to school (By Principal)
B25 - Bringing unauthorized visitors to school (By Superintendent)
B26 - Gang Related Behavior (By Principal)
B26 - Gang Related Behavior (By Superintendent)
B26 - Gang Related Behavior (By Removal)
B27 - Tampering/Altering Records or Documents (By Principal)
B28 - Vandalism / Graffiti (By Principal)
B28 - Vandalism / Graffiti (By Removal)
B28 - Vandalism / Graffiti (By Superintendent)
B29 - Possession of Property w/o Authorization (By Superintendent)
B29 - Possession of Property w/o Authorization (By Principal)
B29 - Possession of Property w/o Authorization (By Removal)
B30 - Violating DOE's Internet Policy (By Principal)
B30 - Violating DOE's Internet Policy (By Superintendent)
B30 - Violating DOE's Internet Policy (By Removal)
B31 - Scholastic Dishonesty (By Removal)
B31 - Scholastic Dishonesty (By Principal)
B32 - Posting/Distributing Unauthorized Libelous Material (By Removal)
B32 - Posting/Distributing Unauthorized Libelous Material (By Principal)
B33 - Engaging in sexual conduct (By Superintendent)
B33 - Engaging in sexual conduct (By Removal)
B33 - Engaging in sexual conduct (By Principal)
B34 - Sexually Suggestive (Verbal/Physical) (By Principal)
B34 - Sexually Suggestive (Verbal/Physical) (By Removal)
B34 - Sexually Suggestive (Verbal/Physical) (By Superintendent)
B35 - Posting or distributing literature or material containing a threat of violence, injury or harm (including posting such material on the Internet) (D-I only) (By Principal)
B35 - Posting or distributing literature or material containing a threat of violence, injury or harm (including posting such material on the Internet) (D-I only) (By Removal)
B35 - Posting or distributing literature or material containing a threat of violence, injury or harm (including posting such material on the Internet) (D-I only) (By Superintendent)
B36 - Altercation and/or Physically Aggressive Behavior (By Superintendent)
B36 - Altercation and/or Physically Aggressive Behavior (By Removal)
B37 - Coercion/Threats (By Principal)
B37 - Coercion/Threats (By Superintendent)
B37 - Coercion/Threats (By Removal)
B38 - Disruptive Behavior on the School Bus with Substantial Risks of Injury (By Superintendent)
B38 - Disruptive Behavior on the School Bus with Substantial Risks of Injury (By Removal)
B38 - Disruptive Behavior on the School Bus with Substantial Risks of Injury (By Principal)
B39 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Principal)
B39 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Superintendent)
B39 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Removal)
B40 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Superintendent)
B40 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Principal)
B40 - Intimidating and Bullying Behavior (By Removal)
B41 - Possession of Controlled Substances or prescription medication w/o Authorization, Illegal Drugs or Alcohol (By Principal)
B41 - Possession of Controlled Substances or prescription medication w/o Authorization, Illegal Drugs or Alcohol (By Superintendent)
B41 - Possession of Controlled Substances or prescription medication w/o Authorization, Illegal Drugs or Alcohol (By Removal)
B42 - False Activation of Fire/Disaster Alarm (By Principal)
B42 - False Activation of Fire/Disaster Alarm (By Removal)
B42 - False Activation of Fire/Disaster Alarm (By Superintendent)
B43 - Bomb Threat (By Removal)
B43 - Bomb Threat (By Principal)
B43 - Bomb Threat (By Superintendent)
B44 - Taking Property Without Authorization (By Principal)
B44 - Taking Property Without Authorization (By Superintendent)
B44 - Taking Property Without Authorization (By Removal)
B45 - Reckless Behavior with Substantial Risk of Serious Injury (By Principal)
B45 - Reckless Behavior with Substantial Risk of Serious Injury (By Superintendent)
B45 - Reckless Behavior with Substantial Risk of Serious Injury (By Removal)
B46 - Reckless Behavior that causes Serious Injury (By Superintendent)
B46 - Reckless Behavior that causes Serious Injury (By Principal)
B47 - Inciting/Causing Riot (By Superintendent)
B47 - Inciting/Causing Riot (By Principal)
B48 - Weapon Possession (Category II) (By Principal)
B48 - Weapon Possession (Category II) (By Superintendent)
B48 - Weapon Possession (Category II) (By Removal)
B49 - Using Controlled Substances w/o Authorization, Illegal Drugs or Alcohol (By Removal)
B49 - Using Controlled Substances w/o Authorization, Illegal Drugs or Alcohol (By Principal)
B49 - Using Controlled Substances w/o Authorization, Illegal Drugs or Alcohol (By Superintendent)
B50 - Starting a Fire (By Removal)
B50 - Starting a Fire (By Principal)
B50 - Starting a Fire (By Superintendent)
B51 - Threatening/Using Force to Take Property (By Principal)
B51 - Threatening/Using Force to Take Property (By Superintendent)
B52 - Using Force Against/Inflicting to/Inflicting Serious Injury to SSA or School Personnel (By Principal)
B52 - Using Force Against/Inflicting to/Inflicting Serious Injury to SSA or School Personnel (By Superintendent)
B52 - Using Force Against/Inflicting to/Inflicting Serious Injury to SSA or School Personnel (By Removal)
B53 - Using Force Against/Inflicting to/Inflicting Serious Injury to Students (By Principal)
B53 - Using Force Against/Inflicting to/Inflicting Serious Injury to Students (By Superintendent)
B54 - Group Violence (By Removal)
B55 - Threaten/Dangerous Behavior/Violence - Gang Related (By Superintendent)
B55 - Threaten/Dangerous Behavior/Violence - Gang Related (By Principal)
B56 - Engaging Physical Sexual Aggressive Behavior (By Principal)
B56 - Engaging Physical Sexual Aggressive Behavior (By Superintendent)
B57 - Selling/Distributing Illegal Drugs or Control Substance (By Superintendent)
B57 - Selling/Distributing Illegal Drugs or Control Substance (By Principal)
B58 - Weapon Possession (Category I) (By Removal)
B58 - Weapon Possession (Category I) (By Superintendent)
B59 - Using Weapon (Category II) to Attempt Injury (By Principal)
B59 - Using Weapon (Category II) to Attempt Injury (By Superintendent)
B60 - Using Weapon (Category I) to Attempt Injury upon School Personnel, Students, Others (By Superintendent)
B60 - Using Weapon (Category I) to Attempt Injury upon School Personnel, Students, Others (By Principal)
B60 - Using Weapon (Category I) to Attempt Injury upon School Personnel, Students, Others (By Removal)
B61 - Using Weapon Other than Category I or II to Inflict Injury upon School Personnel, Students, Others" (By Principal)
B61 - Using Weapon Other than Category I or II to Inflict Injury upon School Personnel, Students, Others" (By Superintendent)
B62 - Possessing Firearm (By Principal)
B62 - Possessing Firearm (By Superintendent)
This data was gathered from the NYC DOE's suspension reports: https://infohub.nyced.org/reports/government-reports/suspension-reports