2022-23 Class Size Data
Program TypeDepartmentSubject# Students# ClassesClass Size
Gen EdEnglishHS English 0966322.0
Gen EdEnglishHS English 1054318.0
Gen EdEnglishHS English 1161230.5
Gen EdEnglishHS English 1262231.0
Gen EdEnglishHS English Other4367.2
Gen EdMathHS Algebra I22122.0
Gen EdMathHS Algebra II63231.5
Gen EdMathHS Geometry31131.0
Gen EdMathHS Math Other31131.0
Gen EdMathHS Statistics83327.7
Gen EdScienceHS Chemistry62231.0
Gen EdScienceHS Other Life Science112428.0
Gen EdScienceHS Physics56228.0
Gen EdSocial StudiesHS Global History116429.0
Gen EdSocial StudiesHS Government & Econ63231.5
Gen EdSocial StudiesHS Social Studies Other35217.5
Gen EdSocial StudiesHS US History57228.5
ICTEnglishHS English 0958229.0
ICTEnglishHS English 1050225.0
ICTEnglishHS English 1163231.5
ICTEnglishHS English 1260230.0
ICTMathHS Algebra I26126.0
ICTMathHS Algebra II53226.5
ICTMathHS Geometry65232.5
ICTMathHS Math Other26126.0
ICTMathHS Statistics65232.5
ICTScienceHS Chemistry50225.0
ICTScienceHS Other Life Science120430.0
ICTScienceHS Physics52226.0
ICTSocial StudiesHS Global History112428.0
ICTSocial StudiesHS Government & Econ63231.5
ICTSocial StudiesHS US History58229.0

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Students are placed into an ed opt category using an average of their final core course seventh-grade core course grades:

Official DOE explanation


Students fall into a screened admissions groups based on the average of their final seventh-grade core course grades. This average must fall into the top percentage of students citywide or at a student’s school in order to fall within a certain admissions group.

Official DOE explanation


SHSAT required.

Official DOE explanation


Offers are made to students in order by their priority groups and randomly assigned numbers, through the process of random selection.


This year, the sole selection criteria for admission to all audition programs (except those at LaGuardia High School) is the audition itself. LaGuardia High School has its own admissions process and will continue to use students' academic records as well as their auditions to make offers to its programs.

Official DOE explanation


The Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Nest and ASD Horizon programs are specialized programs that serve some students with autism. They are available in some District 1-32 schools. The program is a partnership between the DOE and New York University\’s (NYU) ASD Nest Support Project.

Official DOE explanation

District 75 Programs

District 75 (D75) provides highly specialized instructional support for students with significant challenges, such as:

Official DOE explanation


Students who live in the school's zone have a guarantee or priority to attend.


For Students Who Are Behind on Credits. Schools use a student's date of birth to verify eligibility and make offers. Make sure that you meet the program's age and academic requirements.

Screened: Language & Academics