2023-24 Class Size Data
Program TypeDepartmentSubject# Students# ClassesClass Size
Gen EdBusinessHS Business Business Institute28214.0
Gen EdBusinessHS Business Career and Financial Management10434423.7
Gen EdCareer DevelopmentHS Career Development Automotive Technician221924.6
Gen EdCareer DevelopmentHS Career Development Collision Repair66322.0
Gen EdCareer DevelopmentHS Career Development Electrical Installation Maintenance133622.2
Gen EdCareer DevelopmentHS Career Development Engineering177822.1
Gen EdCareer DevelopmentHS Career Development Other47223.5
Gen EdEnglishHS English 093491131.7
Gen EdEnglishHS English 103621132.9
Gen EdEnglishHS English 113271129.7
Gen EdEnglishHS English 124271332.8
Gen EdEnglishHS English ENL27213.5
Gen EdEnglishHS English Other1381013.8
Gen EdMathHS Math Algebra I24124.0
Gen EdMathHS Math Algebra II3201032.0
Gen EdMathHS Math Calculus2831028.3
Gen EdMathHS Math Geometry5071631.7
Gen EdMathHS Math Other105715.0
Gen EdMathHS Math Pre-calculus245830.6
Gen EdMathHS Math Statistics85328.3
Gen EdMathHS Math Technology51225.5
Gen EdMusicHS Music Core275645.8
Gen EdPhysical Education and HealthHS Health276930.7
Gen EdPhysical Education and HealthHS Physical Education19634642.7
Gen EdScienceHS Science Chemistry7282233.1
Gen EdScienceHS Science Earth Science7362332.0
Gen EdScienceHS Science Living Environment2301120.9
Gen EdScienceHS Science Other197824.6
Gen EdScienceHS Science Other Life Science90330.0
Gen EdScienceHS Science Other Physical Science58229.0
Gen EdScienceHS Science Physics3701230.8
Gen EdScienceHS Science Technology65232.5
Gen EdSocial StudiesHS Social Studies Global History7342430.6
Gen EdSocial StudiesHS Social Studies Government & Econ3891232.4
Gen EdSocial StudiesHS Social Studies Other146529.2
Gen EdSocial StudiesHS Social Studies US History2991029.9
Gen EdTechnologyHS Technology A+ Computer Repair156626.0
Gen EdTechnologyHS Technology Apple Certification44222.0
Gen EdTechnologyHS Technology Cisco77325.7
Gen EdTechnologyHS Technology Computer Technology28128.0
Gen EdTechnologyHS Technology Digital and New Media Production80326.7
Gen EdTechnologyHS Technology Information Technology161626.8
Gen EdTechnologyHS Technology Mechanical Drafting136622.7
Gen EdTechnologyHS Technology Other20120.0
Gen EdVisual ArtsHS Visual Arts Art History30130.0
Gen EdVisual ArtsHS Visual Arts Computer Art/Digital Art138623.0
Gen EdVisual ArtsHS Visual Arts Graphic Design157626.2
Gen EdVisual ArtsHS Visual Arts Other3121031.2
Gen EdWorld LanguagesHS World Languages Spanish5381829.9
ICTEnglishHS English 09130432.5
ICTEnglishHS English 10199633.2
ICTEnglishHS English 11164532.8
ICTEnglishHS English 12129432.3
ICTMathHS Math Algebra I139527.8
ICTMathHS Math Algebra II193632.2
ICTMathHS Math Geometry134433.5
ICTMathHS Math Other31131.0
ICTMathHS Math Statistics61230.5
ICTMathHS Math Technology29129.0
ICTScienceHS Science Earth Science3401034.0
ICTScienceHS Science Living Environment105426.3
ICTScienceHS Science Other68234.0
ICTScienceHS Science Other Physical Science102334.0
ICTScienceHS Science Technology63231.5
ICTSocial StudiesHS Social Studies Global History288932.0
ICTSocial StudiesHS Social Studies Government & Econ127431.8
ICTSocial StudiesHS Social Studies US History157531.4
SCEnglishHS English 0943410.8
SCEnglishHS English 102839.3
SCEnglishHS English 1113113.0
SCEnglishHS English 12717.0
SCEnglishHS English Other35311.7
SCHuman ServicesHS Human Services Culinary Arts14114.0
SCMathHS Math Algebra I4859.6
SCMathHS Math Geometry20210.0
SCMathHS Math Other63512.6
SCScienceHS Science Earth Science28214.0
SCScienceHS Science Living Environment37312.3
SCScienceHS Science Other41410.3
SCScienceHS Science Other Physical Science13113.0
SCSocial StudiesHS Social Studies Behavioral Sciences14114.0
SCSocial StudiesHS Social Studies Global History70611.7
SCSocial StudiesHS Social Studies Government & Econ818.0
SCSocial StudiesHS Social Studies Other25212.5
SCSocial StudiesHS Social Studies US History11111.0

This data was gathered from the NYC DOE's class size reports: https://infohub.nyced.org/reports/government-reports/class-size-reports

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Students are placed into an ed opt category using an average of their final core course seventh-grade core course grades:

Official DOE explanation


Students fall into a screened admissions groups based on the average of their final seventh-grade core course grades. This average must fall into the top percentage of students citywide or at a student’s school in order to fall within a certain admissions group.

Official DOE explanation


SHSAT required.

Official DOE explanation


Offers are made to students in order by their priority groups and randomly assigned numbers, through the process of random selection.


This year, the sole selection criteria for admission to all audition programs (except those at LaGuardia High School) is the audition itself. LaGuardia High School has its own admissions process and will continue to use students' academic records as well as their auditions to make offers to its programs.

Official DOE explanation


The Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Nest and ASD Horizon programs are specialized programs that serve some students with autism. They are available in some District 1-32 schools. The program is a partnership between the DOE and New York University\’s (NYU) ASD Nest Support Project.

Official DOE explanation

District 75 Programs

District 75 (D75) provides highly specialized instructional support for students with significant challenges, such as:

Official DOE explanation


Students who live in the school's zone have a guarantee or priority to attend.


For Students Who Are Behind on Credits. Schools use a student's date of birth to verify eligibility and make offers. Make sure that you meet the program's age and academic requirements.

Screened: Language & Academics