2021-22 Total Offers
Total Offers:
Total Offers by Borough
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Staten Island
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
*Totals may be incorrect due to possible suppressed data from the DOE
Total Offers by District
District 02
District 03
District 05
District 06
District 07
District 08
District 09
District 10
District 17
District 18
District 24
Total Offers by Zipcode
Zipcode 10017
Zipcode 10026
Zipcode 10027
Zipcode 10030
Zipcode 10031
Zipcode 10032
Zipcode 10034
Zipcode 10039
Zipcode 10451
Zipcode 10452
Zipcode 10453
Zipcode 10454
Zipcode 10456
Zipcode 10457
Zipcode 10459
Zipcode 10463
Zipcode 10467
Zipcode 10468
Zipcode 10473
Zipcode 11213
Zipcode 11236
Zipcode 11385
This data was gathered from the NYC DOE's student applications, admissions, and offers reports: https://infohub.nyced.org/reports/government-reports/student-applications-admissions-and-offers